About Charles E. Williams II
Charles Edward Williams II, known affectionately as “Charlie” to friends and family, was born on March 11, 1978, in Galveston Texas. Charlie was welcomed into the world by two loving parents, Jessie Mae and Charles Edward Sr. Charlie’s deep commitment to family, faith, and community encompassed all aspects of his life from his early artistic and literary pursuits to his compassion for others so eloquently demonstrated in his later years.
A graduate of Galveston’s Ball High School, Charles matriculated into Texas A&M in 1996. While studying at A&M, Charles was elected Chairman of the University’s Hearing Board as well as the Student Government Association’s Judicial Board. Additionally, he served as Co-program Coordinator for his beloved Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., and was a member of the Phi Delta Alpha Pre-Law Fraternity. In 1997, Charles lost one of his greatest, most passionate supporters to Cancer: his mother, Jessie Mae Williams. Although grieving, Charles returned to Texas A&M surrounded by his mother’s love.
After being diagnosed with Leukemia in 1998, Charles gave his time and energy as a volunteer public speaker for M.D. Anderson’s Cancer Awareness Forum. Never easily defeated, Charles continued his studies at the University of Houston while undergoing treatment. While in remission, he returned to A&M and championed Cancer Awareness with educational presentations with his personal physicians as guest speakers.
Unfortunately, Charles passed away in an automobile accident during his senior year at A&M on March 3, 2000. In August of 2000, the Williams family received his degree and ring crest posthumously from Texas A&M’s College of Liberal Arts. His life and legacy have been recognized by Texas A&M as well as supported by his family with their contributions to the University’s President’s Endowed Scholarship and the Advanced Leadership Institute.
The Advanced Leadership Institute (ALI) was developed in 1999 to give deserving student leaders, from around the world, an opportunity to be a part of a unique, one-of-a-kind learning experience. ALI was renamed The Charles E. Williams Advanced Leadership Institute in 2001, in honor of Charles Edward’s enduring commitment to leadership.
Likewise, The President’s Endowed Scholarship is a four-year merit-based scholarship for eligible High School seniors who plan on attending Texas A&M University. Every March, outstanding High School seniors who display leadership skills are awarded the scholarship.
After twenty years, the Williams family continues to celebrate Charles’ life and legacy. He was a young man of immense intelligence, warmth, and generosity. His personality welcomed everyone, irrespective of racial ethnicity, cultural, socio-economic, or religious background. In that same vein, the Advanced Leadership Institute provides opportunities for student leaders to be and become their personal and professional best, much like Charles. The entire Williams family joins Texas A&M to do what Charles would have done: live out one’s purpose and mission in life by serving others.

Charles E. Williams II